AI Discovery

Are you ready to harness the power of AI to stay ahead of the competition? Projekt Rising is here to help. Our innovative AI consultancy uses cutting-edge technology and years of expertise to guarantee maximum impact.
Expert led

Rapid Discovery

With a broad range of custom-built AI solutions, our team of AI experts are at the forefront of innovation. Our unique discovery and proof-of-concept process is designed to ensure that you see maximum benefit quickly.

ai Building blocks

Proof of Concept

We use a combination of artificial intelligence building blocks to create flexible, powerful solutions that are tailored to your business needs. Our team develop solutions with the ability to automate different processes, leveraging the latest insights and technologies.

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complex made easy

Your are unique

Using our unique approach, we can distill down complex problems into easy-to-understand solutions for you. Our experience, expertise, and fast reaction times all mean that you benefit from a shorter time to market and a much lower financial return.

Your Unique Needs

Our Insights and Experience

Unlock the Full Power of AI for Your Business

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Move fast, don't get left behind

Building the future 

Take the hassle out of developing custom AI solutions - Projekt Rising is here to help. Whether you need small-scale automation or complex integration work, our team will work with you to identify the best solution to meet your objectives.

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Next level

Unlock your full potential

We use the latest AI methods, combined with our in-depth knowledge and experience, to create AI solutions that deliver maximum benefit. Our process is designed to be fluid and iterative and allows us to anticipate and address any changes or concerns you may have.

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...Our self optimising Pilot process ->